Hello! I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, so I guess just want to say goodbye. I don't know why but I feel pretty paranoid about this trip...Don't exactly feel safe, and I think Steph, Joce and Joan might know why I'm a little apprehensive. Something to do with the last days of me being 15...
Honestly, I'm quite scared. Worried. But I guess it'll teach me A LOT about faith. I need to trust...and go in peace.
But just in case...argh! Talk about lack of faith...but anyway, thank you everyone. It is still my only wish that everyone I know will get to know the God who is my Father, Brother and Friend; I believe my brothers and sisters in Christ will continue sharing the love God gave us with others...And no matter what happens, I'll meet all of you in a beacutiful place :)
Please don't start smsing me or tagging and asking me if I'm ok...haha...I'm fine. Really. (Then again, no one ever believes me when I say I'm ok. Fine, you're right half the time...haha)
Well, I hope to see most of you on Sunday. Shucks! Andy and Joel...I know, I know...you're going to force me to look pretty on that day. ONE DAY ONLY! And never again :) And steph, joce and joan, please...no more feminine stuff! Ahh! Last year you already did so...no need anymore :p, please...
Anyway, talking about feminine stuff, Cheryl lent me her make up for the malaysia trip. (for performances only!) eek! She kept asking me, "do you want anymore?" and then she suggested things like glitter powder and lip gloss and stuff...aiyo...super feminine! She has this whole plastic bag full of make-up stuff...scary...
Well, I've packed...er...halfway :) Will continue later, I guess. Not much lah. Hopefully I don't forget anything. hmm...guess that's all I have to say. Have a great weekend :P God bless..