*.* 3 months... *.*
wow...haven't posted in a looooooooooooooooooooooong time...surprise, surprise! lol...
I'm probably retreating back to my "keep-everything-to-myself" mode again.
Which, could actually be a good thing, considering the number of people left who can actually keep secrets...haha
Anyway, let's see. These 3 months haven't been easy. Been happy, sad, backstabbed, hurt...blah blah blah. A whole rainbow of feelings and events were probably more significant in school. haiz............. I thought life would be a lot easier there, but I guess you can't control others-the way they think, the way they do stuff- and neither can you always rationalise why they would want to do so. It's sad, and tragic...Only when the world ends, will all this rubbish go away...
On a brighter note, what's kept me strong in school is probably our prayer meetings in the mornings. Thank you faith, sophia, joann and yuhan for bringing me closer to the Lord each day and for reminding me that God doesn't fail us in any way:) Soon we'll be starting something little extra! And hope that other Christians will join us in covering our school in prayer...
Another big part of my school life has been huangcheng! haha...I never knew it'd be somthing so massive, but after our performances on 11 and 12 March, it's WORTH IT! Every night spent doing props till 9 or 10+, every scolding that i got for doing something wrongly, every bruise or cut from carrying props, every practised step to ensure that we were "the silent killers" during scene changes... And now, most of us are suffering from PhD (post huangcheng depression). Been watching "Jewel in the Palace" to fill the emptiness...haha
Anyway, this holidays haven't been really exciting. Been either going to school for make-up test or watching korean dramas or packing my room. Oh and I went to the gym for fun too...lol... I feel like a "man"! :P
Next term, must start mugging...haiz...haven't really come to the kind of topics in any subject that i really like yet. I wish we were doing human anatomy...but oh well. ok I will post on more interesting stuff next time. In the process of writing a song too...